I've been tagged...
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? either--depends on the gift
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? day or 2 after Christmas.
5. Do you like egg nog? ewww- yuck--no way!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? a bike and a Cabbage Patch Kid
7. Hardest person to buy for? Corey!
8. Easiest person to buy for? Audrey
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail
11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Some really stinky cheap perfume (and I don't even wear perfume)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I like sooo many of them
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try to start in October, but usually do the bulk of it in November. I hate croweded stores!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? yes
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? oh, any kind of sweets!
16. Lights on the tree? yes, lots of colored
17. Favorite Christmas song? I don't have just one favorite, I love to sing many of them.
18.Travel at Christmas or stay Home? Well, it depends on Corey's work schedule, but we usually travel to my parents for Christmas
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen & Rudolph- (and for Jenny's question on this---I'm going with the "ph" since I've always taught that to my students :) But I don't know that it is "correct")
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? sometimes a bow, sometimes a star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Once again, depends on Corey's work schedule, but Corey and I usually open one on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas...again this year Corey has to work on Christmas so we are going to have our "Christmas" on Christmas Eve--Don't worry I've contacted Santa and he is delivering Audrey's toys a day early :)
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? the busy-ness/lines at the stores
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? a variety of sentimental ornaments
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? We don't do a large dinner for Christmas--because everyone is so busy we only do finger foods. Less stress!! Yay!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? to be able to stay home with my little one...but if i can't have that then I'd like some photography stuff
26. Who is most likely to respond to this? not sure, I don't think i have that many blog lurkers
27. Who is least likely to respond to this? ??
28, Favorite thing about Christmas? being with my family...and I don't care what you say---ripping into the wrapping paper is sooo much fun!
Now...I tag YOU... anyone who will play along!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bloggy Love
There isn't many things that are better than some bloggy love! Thanks Cassandra for this sweet award!

Here's my pretty butterfly award...
The rules for this award are...1. Pick six people and pass this award to them. 2. Then contact them and let them know you have chosen them and their blog for the award.3. Also link back to the person who gave you this award.
Now I pass this honor on too...
You must go visit these super-duper blogs. I'm quite addicted to them.

Here's my pretty butterfly award...
The rules for this award are...1. Pick six people and pass this award to them. 2. Then contact them and let them know you have chosen them and their blog for the award.3. Also link back to the person who gave you this award.
Now I pass this honor on too...
You must go visit these super-duper blogs. I'm quite addicted to them.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Lovely View~
Friday, November 14, 2008
What Was I Thinking?
Seriously???!!! Every time I would come up with a "wonderful" project when I was teaching second grade, it would always go a little different than I envisioned. Always, I would see these adorable 7-8 year olds sitting so nicely with their fancy markers, scissors and glue, possibly paint working so diligently on their masterpieces. Of course, without fail, my "oh-so-clever" projects would end with spilled paint, cut hair, and fights over whose marker/crayon is whose. Ahh the days! Now, the projects would always end well (well...most of the time), but getting to that point was a headache for me and a blast for the kids.
Apparently I learned nothing from those years in the classroom, because I thought it would be just "awesome" for Audrey and I to make a music shaker while we were spending the day together. I grabbed a water bottle, bag of peas/beans, a funnel and tape. Since I am a seasoned art junkie (at least with little ones) I poured the bag of beans into a bowl so Audrey could reach them and demonstrated to her how to fill the bottle. She decided that pouring/dropping the beans on the floor was much more fun. Yes, we did get the shaker finished, but she obviously had more fun scattering beans all over the place. Did I worry about the mess? Why no! I was smart enough to do it on the kitchen floor so all I had to do was sweep. I just sat back and savored the fun moments. Sweet memories!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME! The Big 3-0!
I turned 30 on Sunday. And at the moment I am really feeling my age. I'll be quite honest. I was dreading turning 30. Bummed out wasn't even the word to describe the way I felt about that day. I know, I know...30 isn't really old...30 is the new 20...blah...blah...blah. I heard those niceties from everyone, but they didn't help.
Then I was approached by a co-worker who asked me the questions "Why is turning 30 so bad? What is it going to mean for your life?" See, this isn't exactly a person that I talk to much or that I would open my heart and reveal my deepest thoughts to. While I was standing in the hallway stammering for the "best" answer, (the best I came up with was "This isn't where I thought I'd be in life when I turned 30") this kind co-worker smiled (really it was a smirk) and said "Well, where did you want to be?" then walked away.
Well just slap me why don't ya! I couldn't say a word. Walking back to my office with my head hung watching my shoes shuffle, I really contemplated the question and what my honest answer would be.
And you know what I discovered...Turning 3-0 ain't so bad! I may not be where I thought I'd be in life, but God has blessed me with all my dreams I desired before turning 30. No, things haven't been perfect and they still aren't...but my dreams have come true. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter that I adore, a great family, wonderful friends, a nice house, good health (for all my family), .....I could go on all day.
Thanks to that innocent (or maybe not so innocent) question...my outlook on 30 is pretty dog-gone good. I'm looking forward to the blessings God has in store for me this year.
Then I was approached by a co-worker who asked me the questions "Why is turning 30 so bad? What is it going to mean for your life?" See, this isn't exactly a person that I talk to much or that I would open my heart and reveal my deepest thoughts to. While I was standing in the hallway stammering for the "best" answer, (the best I came up with was "This isn't where I thought I'd be in life when I turned 30") this kind co-worker smiled (really it was a smirk) and said "Well, where did you want to be?" then walked away.
Well just slap me why don't ya! I couldn't say a word. Walking back to my office with my head hung watching my shoes shuffle, I really contemplated the question and what my honest answer would be.
And you know what I discovered...Turning 3-0 ain't so bad! I may not be where I thought I'd be in life, but God has blessed me with all my dreams I desired before turning 30. No, things haven't been perfect and they still aren't...but my dreams have come true. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter that I adore, a great family, wonderful friends, a nice house, good health (for all my family), .....I could go on all day.
Thanks to that innocent (or maybe not so innocent) question...my outlook on 30 is pretty dog-gone good. I'm looking forward to the blessings God has in store for me this year.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Zoo Trip
Last weekend, we took a family trip to the zoo. Corey didn't get to attend because of his work schedule, but everyone else was in attendance. Audrey was old enough to enjoy running around (notice the "puppy backpack" which serves as our "leash". She loves it and I don't have to worry about her running off (and that Miss Busy-body will do in a heartbeat).
Audrey can't say the names of most of the animals but she can identify them by pointing them out in the books that we read to her. So, on this trip to the zoo she was facinated to see them in real life. She couldn't quite understand why she couldn't pet them though.
The weather was just perfect, and the fellowship, sweet.

Nana and Audrey

Keith (my brother), Me, PawPaw, Keeley (my cuz), Brantley (my cuz) and Nana.

Keeley and Nana

Uncle Jim, PawPaw, Aunt Carol

Mommy/Daughter time
Audrey can't say the names of most of the animals but she can identify them by pointing them out in the books that we read to her. So, on this trip to the zoo she was facinated to see them in real life. She couldn't quite understand why she couldn't pet them though.
The weather was just perfect, and the fellowship, sweet.

Nana and Audrey

Keith (my brother), Me, PawPaw, Keeley (my cuz), Brantley (my cuz) and Nana.

Keeley and Nana

Uncle Jim, PawPaw, Aunt Carol

Mommy/Daughter time
The family~
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween 2008
UPDATED**: Audrey and I traveled back to my hometown to stay with my parents Halloween weekend. We took Audrey trick-or-treating at Grammy and Grandaddy's (my parents) and of course they had a pile of wonderful treats for Audrey's enjoyment. As a matter of fact, Audrey raided her loot before we ever left their house. The chocolate Teddy Graham leftovers on her face just added to the cuteness. Next, we visited my Grandparents (Nana & Pawpaw) where Audrey was allowed to stash into her precious pumpkin as many chocolate candies as she could grab. I think it was most of the bag of candy. (But I'm not complaining-- it was the "good stuff" and Corey and I are still enjoying it. Shhh- Don't tell Audrey). We concluded our Trick-or-Treating at Aunt Carolyn's house. She, also, had a special treat for our little ladybug.
We had a wonderful time visiting with those family members. Audrey was so wired from the experience, and probably the chocolate too, she had a hard time sleeping that night. We had a wonderful time.

Audrey and Mommy

Audrey and Daddy carving the pumpkin

Audrey and Nana

Audrey and Grammy

Audrey and Aunt Carolyn
More Photos Here
We had a wonderful time visiting with those family members. Audrey was so wired from the experience, and probably the chocolate too, she had a hard time sleeping that night. We had a wonderful time.

Audrey and Mommy

Audrey and Daddy carving the pumpkin
Audrey and Nana
Audrey and Grammy
Audrey and Aunt Carolyn
More Photos Here
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