Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Break
This post and a few to follow are delayed a bit due to AK and myself getting sick over Spring Break...yay.
I was off work on Thursday and Friday (April 19-20) for Spring Break. I loaded up our luggage and Audrey to spend a few days with my parents.
When we arrived into town on Thursday, I made it priority to visit Nan while she was working at Cute as a Button (in downtown Prattville...if you haven't been---you must go! Such adorable children's clothing). This was the first time Nan and Audrey met in person. Nan, as I have mentioned in this post, is such a special lady to me. She taught me so much about being a teacher, but most importantly she taught me how to love life, love my family and to savor every moment I have with them. I am so thankful God placed her in my life. As you can see in the photos, Audrey came to love and adore her instantly. Nan- we love you and can't wait to get together again.
Friday, Audrey, my mom, and I joined many other ladies to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday. We had a wonderful time and were stuffed after a delicious meal at Olive Garden.
I was off work on Thursday and Friday (April 19-20) for Spring Break. I loaded up our luggage and Audrey to spend a few days with my parents.
When we arrived into town on Thursday, I made it priority to visit Nan while she was working at Cute as a Button (in downtown Prattville...if you haven't been---you must go! Such adorable children's clothing). This was the first time Nan and Audrey met in person. Nan, as I have mentioned in this post, is such a special lady to me. She taught me so much about being a teacher, but most importantly she taught me how to love life, love my family and to savor every moment I have with them. I am so thankful God placed her in my life. As you can see in the photos, Audrey came to love and adore her instantly. Nan- we love you and can't wait to get together again.

Me, Audrey and Nan
Nan, Grammy (my mom) and Audrey
Friday, Audrey, my mom, and I joined many other ladies to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday. We had a wonderful time and were stuffed after a delicious meal at Olive Garden.

The Olive Garden staff singing to Nana
Nana celebrating her birthday
Cousin Keeley and Audrey snuggling
Saturday, I had a yard sale. The morning started off very chilly and my feet were soaked from the dew on the ground. Talk about miserable. Thank goodness it warmed up, my feet thawed out and many people stopped by to "shop". What a wonderful feeling it is to get rid of junk!! Audrey kept my mom entertained while my dad helped me at the yard sale. Thanks Dad! I'm sure he had 100 other things he would've rather done, but he was a trooper.

Audrey assisting with the yard sale clean-up.
Audrey- sitting down on the job
After the yard sale on Saturday, several members of our family gathered to celebrate my grandmother's birthday...again (this was her actual birthday)...she is a popular lady. Then we went to visit family that we rarely get to see. It was a great reunion.
When we got home from the festivities, I was exhausted. I should've realized that I was getting sick, but it wasn't until Sunday morning that I understood the full impact. My head was hurting so severly I couldn't even see straight. My mom and AK spent the day together playing on the farm while I slept the day away in the bed. Finally around 4 that afternoon I improved enough to drive us the 2 hours back home. Blah...pretty much sums up how I felt the next several days. On top of that, Audrey started not feeling well on Monday---something totally different from what I had. But, we survived and are much better now.
When we got home from the festivities, I was exhausted. I should've realized that I was getting sick, but it wasn't until Sunday morning that I understood the full impact. My head was hurting so severly I couldn't even see straight. My mom and AK spent the day together playing on the farm while I slept the day away in the bed. Finally around 4 that afternoon I improved enough to drive us the 2 hours back home. Blah...pretty much sums up how I felt the next several days. On top of that, Audrey started not feeling well on Monday---something totally different from what I had. But, we survived and are much better now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bye, Bye Baby Bed
UPDATE****** Audrey did wonderful in her big girl bed last night. She actually stayed in it until this morning. I'm crossing my fingers that she continues this.
(sniffle, sniffle)
Audrey is now officially in her "big girl" toddler bed. We had to convert her crib to the toddler stage today following one of her little stubborn/strong-willed/terrible two incidents yesterday.
Yesterday evening she was being defiant when I told her to pick up her toys. After telling her a few more times, I knew discipline action was necessary. I spoke to her calmly, and firmly and sat her in her time-out place (a bench in her room). She immediately got up from the seat. Typically she will sit there as instructed. I placed her back in time-out reminding her that she must stay only to have her jump up once more.
In my efforts to outsmart this little munchkin, I picked her up and put her in the crib. (Please note that she is "pitching a hissy-fit" the entire time.) I exit the room to give her "time to think" only to turn around when I reach the kitchen to find her right behind me. That's right, she scaled that crib in no time flat.
This called for a little additional punishment...I'm all for time-out, but sometimes it takes a little more action.
Needless to say, the toys were picked up - by her, she was just fine and dandy mere minutes after the punishment, and I got a glimpse of what I am in store for with the "terrible twos". This of course demanded a call to Daddy who was at work at the time. Confession...I did laugh (when she wasn't looking) about all of it, 'cause it was humorous.
We decided that it was time to move to the toddler bed. I really don't want busted heads and broken bones as a result of the crib. (~big sigh~)
My baby is growing up........
Audrey's last time in her "crib".
Now just check out that sassy face~ I can't help but chuckle!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring Fever
Sunday, Audrey and I got the spring fever and wanted to have a little fun outdoors. We loaded up and drove to Lowe's. There, we purchased a variety of flowers, potting soil and containers. Oh and of course the adorable Dora watering can and other Dora gardening accessories (you know that was mandatory).

Once home, my little helper had a wonderful time scooping the soil from the bag and depositing it in our containers, and on the porch and in the wagon, and of course on our dog Sadie's head. (needless to say, I ran out of potting soil before we finished) Audrey had a delightful time playing in the dirt and picking the blooms from the plants. I couldn't get her to understand that we don't pick those flowers.

When we finally got them planted (we still have some left because as I mentioned before...the potting soil disappeared) Audrey watered all the plants with her new Dora watering can.

And this is what a busy little gardener looks like after a hard day's work.

NOTE- ** for those of you who know me well, you can get up off the floor and stop laughing---yes, I do kill every plant I try to grow within 2 weeks, but I certainly had a blast spending time and laughing with AK. Plus- I figure Audrey will take care of the killing them part within -oh 4-5 days- since she continues to "pick" the flowers. Heck, maybe that is the part of it that I wasn't doing correctly. Just making memories :)
Once home, my little helper had a wonderful time scooping the soil from the bag and depositing it in our containers, and on the porch and in the wagon, and of course on our dog Sadie's head. (needless to say, I ran out of potting soil before we finished) Audrey had a delightful time playing in the dirt and picking the blooms from the plants. I couldn't get her to understand that we don't pick those flowers.
When we finally got them planted (we still have some left because as I mentioned before...the potting soil disappeared) Audrey watered all the plants with her new Dora watering can.
And this is what a busy little gardener looks like after a hard day's work.
NOTE- ** for those of you who know me well, you can get up off the floor and stop laughing---yes, I do kill every plant I try to grow within 2 weeks, but I certainly had a blast spending time and laughing with AK. Plus- I figure Audrey will take care of the killing them part within -oh 4-5 days- since she continues to "pick" the flowers. Heck, maybe that is the part of it that I wasn't doing correctly. Just making memories :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
I totally forgot---
Saturday, March 7, 2009
There Was An Old Lady...
who lived in a shoe...not really, but she did wear Grammy's glasses. Audrey thinks wearing these things are super. If she's like her mommy and has to wear them most of her life she will think differently. Apparently she knows glasses= reading time.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Snow Day!
March 1st and what do we see, tons of snow...ok, not tons but for those of us who have always lived in Alabama- it felt like tons. After a couple of days of warm spring-like weather, followed by nasty thunderstorms and tornadoes, we awakened to beatuiful, white snow. Audrey and I were down at my parents for the "event". We took AK out for a few mintues to see the snow.

At first she wasn't so sure about it, but I think she began to enjoy experiencing it. I loved seeing her reaction, the wonder in her eyes as she took in the site of the snow falling. Ahhh, what a refreshing feeling it is to see the world through the eyes of a child.

Since it was COLD, we only stayed out for a few minutes. Just long enough to snap some photos. Then we went back inside the toasty warm house. After we went inside, the snow fell more quickly and soon covered the ground even more than you see in the pictures. I could kick myself for being a whimp and not going back out to take more photos.

Happy Birthday Uncle Keith!
I am attempting to catch up on some blogging after a very busy, overwhelming week.
Last weekend, we went to visit my parents and grandparents. While we were in town, the family went out to celebrate my brother's birthday. His birthday is actually Feb. 16, but we had to wait until everyone could be there. Here are a few photos from that night.
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