We went today for Addison's 4-D ultrasound. I am always so amazed at what you can see with those things.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
30 weeks
(Note: Sorry this post is a little delayed...I am now 31 weeks---but, you get the picture :))
I am now 30 weeks along. Addison is moving up a storm and looks to be running out of room in there ;) I am still feeling pretty good, getting a little more tired each day though. However, no time for that with Christmas around the corner and still so much to do to prepare for Miss Addison.
December 22 is my last day at work. I am quitting to be a full time mommy. I am thrilled about it, but will miss the friends that I have made there over the years. I am looking forward to spending lots of time with my family. It will be quite an adjustment, though.

Our baby's growth (according to an Internet site):
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
I am now 30 weeks along. Addison is moving up a storm and looks to be running out of room in there ;) I am still feeling pretty good, getting a little more tired each day though. However, no time for that with Christmas around the corner and still so much to do to prepare for Miss Addison.
December 22 is my last day at work. I am quitting to be a full time mommy. I am thrilled about it, but will miss the friends that I have made there over the years. I am looking forward to spending lots of time with my family. It will be quite an adjustment, though.

Our baby's growth (according to an Internet site):
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Gatlinburg Trip 2009
Last weekend Corey and I took Audrey to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a quick little "family vacation" before Addison arrives. Audrey had been to Gatlinburg once before, but was too young then to really take it all in. This trip she was totally fascinated by everything.
Corey was so sweet and planned the entire trip. Therefore, I was able to relax and enjoy being with my family and watching Audrey.
When we first arrived, it was dark so we enjoyed riding through Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg viewing the Christmas lights. Audrey just kept saying- "Mommy, you see those lights?", "Daddy, Look at that". She was thrilled.
After we worked up an appetite, we stopped by a restaurant that I had never seen or heard of before. It was called the "Flying Horse". The place had an actual carousel inside. Once we finished our delicious dinner, Corey and I took turns riding on the carousel with Audrey.

The following morning we headed out to eat some delicious pancakes. We decided to walk since we were staying right in the middle of town. One place we wanted to eat at was packed and had a line all the way out the door. Since it was 25 degrees, we had a 2 year old, and I was 8 months pregnant---I decided waiting in that line was NOT worth it. So we began our trek for the next place.
Well, on the map it looked like a short distance...but after walking, and walking, and walking. I finally told Corey that I'd walked as far as I was going to and we would just have to eat right where we were. Fortunately, there was a little place just a few feet away that proved to have a wonderful breakfast. Not to mention this nearly completely frozen waterfall outside. See...I told you it was cold!!!

With our bellies full, we headed to the aquarium. Audrey is fascinated with fish, so she couldn't wait. She ran from one exhibit to the next talking non-stop. I'm really glad Corey was there to keep up with her. She was so excited...as you can tell in these next pictures.

Audrey was even brave enough to pet some of the critters they had on display there, including a sting ray. She says that was her favorite part.

(yes, I realize this is NOT a sting ray :))

As we were leaving the aquarium, there was a man standing on the sidewalk feeding these ducks. He was so kind to let Audrey throw out some of the food to them. She thought that was just wonderful.

Saturday evening, we went to see the Christmas production at Dixie Stampede. (If you haven't been---I absolutely recommend it---totally worth the money!!)
Audrey had never been there before. Once the show began, I don't think she blinked the whole time :). She was amazed. Her little mouth hung open in awe as she watched the show. I had as much fun watching her take it all in as I did watching the program. We would have to remind her to eat between events/scenes because she was just too entertained to eat while the action was taking place.

After the show, the riders brought their horses up to the side of the arena to allow the children to pet them.

We weren't quite ready to head back home, but Sunday morning rolled around and we had to depart. Before we went home, we took a drive through Cade's Cove. There were tons of turkey and deer that were out on this particular day. What a fantastic way to end our vacation!

I am already looking forward to our next trip back!
Corey was so sweet and planned the entire trip. Therefore, I was able to relax and enjoy being with my family and watching Audrey.
When we first arrived, it was dark so we enjoyed riding through Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg viewing the Christmas lights. Audrey just kept saying- "Mommy, you see those lights?", "Daddy, Look at that". She was thrilled.
After we worked up an appetite, we stopped by a restaurant that I had never seen or heard of before. It was called the "Flying Horse". The place had an actual carousel inside. Once we finished our delicious dinner, Corey and I took turns riding on the carousel with Audrey.

The following morning we headed out to eat some delicious pancakes. We decided to walk since we were staying right in the middle of town. One place we wanted to eat at was packed and had a line all the way out the door. Since it was 25 degrees, we had a 2 year old, and I was 8 months pregnant---I decided waiting in that line was NOT worth it. So we began our trek for the next place.
Well, on the map it looked like a short distance...but after walking, and walking, and walking. I finally told Corey that I'd walked as far as I was going to and we would just have to eat right where we were. Fortunately, there was a little place just a few feet away that proved to have a wonderful breakfast. Not to mention this nearly completely frozen waterfall outside. See...I told you it was cold!!!

With our bellies full, we headed to the aquarium. Audrey is fascinated with fish, so she couldn't wait. She ran from one exhibit to the next talking non-stop. I'm really glad Corey was there to keep up with her. She was so excited...as you can tell in these next pictures.

Audrey was even brave enough to pet some of the critters they had on display there, including a sting ray. She says that was her favorite part.

(yes, I realize this is NOT a sting ray :))

As we were leaving the aquarium, there was a man standing on the sidewalk feeding these ducks. He was so kind to let Audrey throw out some of the food to them. She thought that was just wonderful.

Saturday evening, we went to see the Christmas production at Dixie Stampede. (If you haven't been---I absolutely recommend it---totally worth the money!!)
Audrey had never been there before. Once the show began, I don't think she blinked the whole time :). She was amazed. Her little mouth hung open in awe as she watched the show. I had as much fun watching her take it all in as I did watching the program. We would have to remind her to eat between events/scenes because she was just too entertained to eat while the action was taking place.

After the show, the riders brought their horses up to the side of the arena to allow the children to pet them.

We weren't quite ready to head back home, but Sunday morning rolled around and we had to depart. Before we went home, we took a drive through Cade's Cove. There were tons of turkey and deer that were out on this particular day. What a fantastic way to end our vacation!

I am already looking forward to our next trip back!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
What a super busy, yet fun weekend we've had! Audrey and I went back "home" to kick off the Christmas season with some of my favorite traditions. My mom's church always has a Christmas party at a nearby nursing home for the residents. Mom always heads-up the party so it has been tradition since I can remember that I go to help her with it. This year was no different. We are now training a new little "elf" to follow in our footsteps.

Audrey was so precious helping out. She performed with the other children as they sang some Christmas carols for entertainment.

Then Audrey, along with the other children in attendance, delivered gifts to each of the residents. (People from my mom's church- and my family- select a name and purchase an item for that individual.) This year our family selected a lady named Ms. Audrey, simply because her name was the same as my Audrey and we chose Ms. Betty's name. Ms. Betty is a very special lady to our family. She is always making something for someone- bracelets, necklaces, ponchos, blankets, etc. My mom, Audrey and I have numerous items to show for her generosity. So giving back to her was such a pleasure for us. We made sure that Audrey delivered the gifts we bought to her. She was just as delighted to receive loving from Audrey as she was to have the presents. Below is a photo of Ms. Betty and Audrey:

After the party, we had a delicious lunch with my grandparents, my mom, cousin Keeley and one of her friends from college. It was a wonderful time.
We finished up lunch just in time to get bundled up to watch the Christmas parade in Prattville. This wasn't the first parade that Audrey's been to, but it was definitely the first that she understood what was going on. She was quite mesmerized by all the activity.
The lights, music and floats held her attention until the very end. Mom and I enjoyed watching Audrey's reaction to the parade as she waved to everyone that passed by and yelled out "Merry Christmas" to them. It will be an evening that I remember forever.

Oh how I love this time of year. And this year is even better as I get to enjoy it through the eyes of my 2 year old. It can't get much better than that!

Audrey was so precious helping out. She performed with the other children as they sang some Christmas carols for entertainment.

Then Audrey, along with the other children in attendance, delivered gifts to each of the residents. (People from my mom's church- and my family- select a name and purchase an item for that individual.) This year our family selected a lady named Ms. Audrey, simply because her name was the same as my Audrey and we chose Ms. Betty's name. Ms. Betty is a very special lady to our family. She is always making something for someone- bracelets, necklaces, ponchos, blankets, etc. My mom, Audrey and I have numerous items to show for her generosity. So giving back to her was such a pleasure for us. We made sure that Audrey delivered the gifts we bought to her. She was just as delighted to receive loving from Audrey as she was to have the presents. Below is a photo of Ms. Betty and Audrey:

After the party, we had a delicious lunch with my grandparents, my mom, cousin Keeley and one of her friends from college. It was a wonderful time.
We finished up lunch just in time to get bundled up to watch the Christmas parade in Prattville. This wasn't the first parade that Audrey's been to, but it was definitely the first that she understood what was going on. She was quite mesmerized by all the activity.

The lights, music and floats held her attention until the very end. Mom and I enjoyed watching Audrey's reaction to the parade as she waved to everyone that passed by and yelled out "Merry Christmas" to them. It will be an evening that I remember forever.

Oh how I love this time of year. And this year is even better as I get to enjoy it through the eyes of my 2 year old. It can't get much better than that!
Friday, December 4, 2009
28 weeks
I had my doctor’s appointment today. All seems to be progressing well. The heart rate was 155 which is where it has been for the last few visits. Addison seems to be growing quite well. (I’m sure all the Thanksgiving turkey, dressing and veggies helped with that). I can’t believe that I am into my 3rd trimester.

Since Corey was on shift today, I didn’t have anyone to watch Audrey so she had to come with me and endure 2.5 hours in the doctor’s office. She is a trooper though when she has to do that. Of course the nurses are just smitten with her and love to play with her, so that makes things easier.

That being said, I had to have some routine blood work drawn today. Audrey had asked me if I had to get a “shot” so I told her yes. When the nurse was preparing the needle and such, Audrey told me she was going to hold my hand. Then she looks at me and said “Mommy it be alright”, “it won’t be too bad”. All the nurses around stopped what they were doing and everyone said a collaborative “Awwwww” and then everyone started giggling. It was so precious. Miss Priss has such a kind heart. It just made my day that she was taking care of me.
Then to top it all off, after seeing the doctor we were all about to leave the exam room and Audrey tells my doctor “Thank you for taking care of Mommy”. I thought Dr. Emig was going to cry. I almost did too. I had to give her a big hug and kiss for that one.

Since Corey was on shift today, I didn’t have anyone to watch Audrey so she had to come with me and endure 2.5 hours in the doctor’s office. She is a trooper though when she has to do that. Of course the nurses are just smitten with her and love to play with her, so that makes things easier.

That being said, I had to have some routine blood work drawn today. Audrey had asked me if I had to get a “shot” so I told her yes. When the nurse was preparing the needle and such, Audrey told me she was going to hold my hand. Then she looks at me and said “Mommy it be alright”, “it won’t be too bad”. All the nurses around stopped what they were doing and everyone said a collaborative “Awwwww” and then everyone started giggling. It was so precious. Miss Priss has such a kind heart. It just made my day that she was taking care of me.
Then to top it all off, after seeing the doctor we were all about to leave the exam room and Audrey tells my doctor “Thank you for taking care of Mommy”. I thought Dr. Emig was going to cry. I almost did too. I had to give her a big hug and kiss for that one.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Christmas Tree
Since our turkeys are officially gone (see previous post), decorating for Christmas is in full swing. I have let Audrey do as much decorating as she can possibly help with. Some things don't look "just so", but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have enjoyed the time and excitement with her. 

We bought Audrey her own Christmas tree so she could hang her special ornaments on it. She had such fun decorating it all by herself. Then she helped us tackle our big tree. I was really impressed at how well she was at hanging the ornaments. After all the ornaments were hung, she kept asking for more. Hopefully, Grammy and Grandaddy will wait and let her help decorate theirs too.

I am really enjoying watching Audrey this Christmas season. It brings back the wonder and awe of Christmas that we often forget as we get older. I know I am guilty of getting caught up in the busyness and gift purchasing of the season, to really stop and enjoy the little things around me. I am so grateful that she is reminding me how to do that this year.

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