Sweet Baby Girl,
Time is just going by too quickly! I know I say that all the time, but it is so true.
This month has been so fun and interesting. Here are a few things about you:
*weigh 16 pounds
*are 25 inches long
*wear size 2 diapers...but not much longer
*wear size 3-6 month clothes
*are teething. Those front bottom 2 teeth are taking forever to break through. But you are chewing and drooling on EVERYTHING!
*began eating cereal this month. You started out doing pretty well and got the hang of eating with a spoon very quickly. You love that cereal.
*are rolling EVERYWHERE! I can put you down on one side of the room and you will roll all the way to the other side within a few seconds. It seems like you are trying to keep up with your sister
*were dedicated to the Lord this month. Many family members attended
*are realizing when we leave the room and will sometimes fuss until we return
*get very upset when you drop a toy that you wanted to play with or if someone takes that favorite toy away
*are showing us that you aren't as quiet and laid back as we once thought...you have a temper and don't mind proving it
*are a very happy baby, most of the time. We can just look at you and you will smile. (unless you are tired)
*are still sleeping well at night, but during the day you don't nap very well. You only catnap.
*try very hard to sit up. You can tripod for a few seconds, but get so excited and just jerk backwards and topple over.
*went through some pretty bad stranger anxiety for a while. It seems to be doing a little better.
*are scared of dogs---even our lab Sadie. You cry when you see her even if she isn't near you.
*love watching your big sister. You keep your eye on her everywhere she goes.
*have learned to blow raspberries---and your favorite time to do that is when you have a mouth full of cereal.
* shake your head back and forth ('no') when you get tired, but you also do it playing with mommy. I will mimic you and we go back and forth doing that for a while. It makes you laugh.
*are precious and loved!