Audrey has been talking about it for a while and was so excited. And as you can tell by the smile on her face, she was thrilled to be going this morning.
I had to take a few pictures before leaving for preschool.
My sweet school girl!
Mommy, on the other hand, was excited...but a bit sad/worried/ and all those other emotions that go along with a milestone of this magnitude. My baby is growing up...will she be okay? Will she know what to do? Will the students/teachers be nice to her?...on and on.
Audrey and Mommy before going to preschool.
Corey, of course, was scheduled to be on shift at the fire station this morning. I told him he just couldn't miss her first day, so he got one kind fellow to work for him a little while so he could take her to school. She was so glad her daddy was there.
Daddy and Audrey before going to preschool.
When we got there we were greeted with several friendly faces. We went to Audrey's room to fill out paperwork and get her settled in. She jumped right in and started playing with the activities the teacher had put out for the kids. I was so happy that she felt comfortable.
Audrey with her teacher, Ms. Cheri.

Audrey never cried, but as you can tell in the photo above, she was apprehensive. Just before I left she said "Mommy, I'm REALLY going to miss you". I hadn't cried up to that point, but I began to tear up at that. After reminding myself that I couldn't cry and to stay strong so Audrey wouldn't cry, I got myself together. She gave me and Addison hugs and kisses then went on her merry way to play with something else.
As I walked away and looked back at my little-big girl, I did have to wipe a tear.
After picking her up from school, I was so excited to hear about her day, but she didn't seem too talkative about it. Finally, after asking several questions, she started talking and it sounded like she had a blast! Her report was that they played in the gym and she liked kicking the soccer ball and pink ball. Plus they read an animal book and sang 'The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round'. She had to show me the smiley face she made and the coloring page she colored red. And she was thrilled that she got to drink apple juice out of a striped "big girl" cup.
That was the scoop that I got from Day #1. She can't wait to go back on Thursday!