Sweet Addison turned 2 years old!!!
We had a great day of celebrating her birthday at our house.
Here is the birthday girl ready for her festivities. (and one picture of her showing off her "terrible twos" temper tantrum-

Her theme this year was "Ladybugs". Mrs. Beth Weldon made the adorable outfit to match her theme perfectly. Mom and I made the cupcakes.

Anna, Audrey, and Zoe Kate came to celebrate with Addison. We enjoyed making ladybug necklaces and ladybug picture frames.

After weeks of pleasant 70 degree weather (yes, in the winter), the day of her party the weather decided to be oh-so-freezing-cold and windy so we put the bouncy house in the garage for the kids to jump on and they enjoyed playing with the toys inside.

Then it was time for birthday cupcakes! Addison was so excited to blow out her candle and dig into all that icing.

We captured a few family photos and Addison tore into all her wonderful gifts. She kept saying "I
escited!". It was adorable!

She got a new tricycle, fishing poles, tackle box, coloring books, crayons, a tea set, cute outfits, Sing-along DVDs, books, and money to spend.
It was such a wonderful, memorable day!