She wanted her face painted so I let her go for it. I was pleasantly surprised when she sat completely still the entire time this kind lady painted her face.

My sweet little cow ready for some fun and candy!

Audrey and my friend Elisha (we worked together at WES). Audrey didn't quite get the concept that she was to throw the rings around the alligator's tail...but Mrs. Elisha cheered her on and Audrey was so proud of herself.

The fishing game was facinating for her. She was amazed that whenever she put the line over the curtain, she would get goodies.

I laughed so hard I cried when Audrey tried to throw the darts to burst the balloons. Lets just say that sharp darts + a 2 year old = disaster!!! Audrey would wind up for the throw and let the dart sail across the room...the problem with that was the dart didn't go toward the balloons, it sent everyone running for cover. When I held her hand and tried to get her to throw the darts in the right direction, she wouldn't release them. We had a good laugh, but decided that the darts were probably better for her when she was a bit older.

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