March 15, 2010-
Addison is 1 month old.
I can't believe it has already been a month! Time sure does fly. I learned this with Audrey...but it seems to be going even faster now. Addison is such a sweet baby. She is usually very laid back. However, when she gets mad, she lets you know with a healthy set of lungs! We are so in love with this precious baby!
A few things about Addison that I want to remember:
* You are now wearing size 1 diapers.
* You nurse like a champ.
* You now weigh 10 lbs 8 oz. A gain of 3 pounds since birth!
* You are now 21.5 inches long.
* You nap wonderfully during the day, but refuse to go to sleep when it is bedtime. Once you finally get to sleep at night, you sleep pretty well.
* You HATE tummy time.
* You tolerate your big sister treating you like her very own babydoll really well.
* You like bathtime and don't mind your clothes or diaper being changed.
* You rarely cry, only when you are really hungry, your tummy hurts, or when it is bedtime.
* You get the hiccups many times a day!
* You have lost most of your hair on the very top of your head but have a good bit all a little old man :)
* You can no longer wear newborn clothes...we are into the 0-3 months clothes.
* You love to snuggle.