We started the morning off with birthday muffins (blueberry muffins with a candle in it). We sang happy birthday and let her blow out her candle. Then she got to open one gift (since her party wasn't until the next day).
That afternoon Grammy and I took Audrey to 'All Fired Up'- a pottery place- to make her birthday plate. I started this when she was 1 year old and have continued it as a tradition every birthday. The plate has her hand and foot prints on it as well as the # birthday and year. Just a sweet keepsake for mommy :)
By this time I was watching the weather every 5 minutes hoping and praying that the predicted "horrible storms" for Saturday (party day) would miraculously disappear. Well, the prediction continued to look grim. So we decided 'just in case' we have to postpone the party, we would let Audrey play with the gift that Grammy got for her---a huge moon walk!! Fortunately, it would fit in our garage so we inflated it and let her have a blast.
After, Saturday morning's weather forecast and much debating with Corey and Grammy, we decided to postpone the party until Sunday. Audrey wasn't exactly happy about it...but was a big girl and went along with the plans.
Fortunately, Grammy bought some mini-cupcakes for Audrey when she came up, so we satisfied Audrey's plea for birthday cake with one of those. We lit a candle (again) and sang Happy Birthday song (again). That made it all okay for a while.
Sunday morning brought beautiful weather for Audrey's 3rd Birthday party. We had a great turn out with many special friends and family members. Audrey had a wonderful time eating her cake (finally) and opening her presents. She received many fun things.
And...here are a few photos of the wonderful time-