Our sweet Little Bit,
I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by! It seems like just yesterday your Daddy and I braved the icy roads in the wee morning hours to go to the hospital for you to be born. Then at 8:36 a.m. we were blessed with a beautiful, perfect, 7 pound 9 ounce, 19 inch long baby girl. You made your presence known immediately. Mommy cried and Daddy beamed! We were so proud of you. Your big sister came to visit you in the nursery, even before Mommy got to hold you. She was so happy that you were here.
You have been such a blessing this year. I am amazed at how much and how quickly you have changed. It was such a wonderful thing to watch all of your "firsts" milestones---the first time you rolled over, sitting up for the first time, first tooth, first words, first steps. I know there will be many more amazing moments with you. And I am looking forward to sharing in each of those.
You have such a contagious personality and smile. You constantly keep us laughing, and on our toes. You are one busy little girl.
I want to remember all the little things about you. I'm making a list, so I will never forget.
I love you,

Addison, You:
* weigh 19 pounds 9 ounces (25th percentile)
* are 29 inches long (50th percentile)
* wear size 3 diapers
* wear size 9 month and 12 month clothes
* are walking everywhere
* love to climb in the dishwasher and pull dishes out of it
* wave at everyone when we are grocery shopping, you think that everyone should speak and wave to you
* love your big sister and always want to play with the toys she is playing with
* can say "mama", "dada", "fish (bish)", and you try to say "sissy".
* are very independent and can pitch a fit when you are told no or don't get your way
* love to eat, and we can hardly ever fill you up
* enjoy taking rides in the wagon
* are getting braver around Sadie
* have been taking better naps and sleep through the night most nights
* have 8 teeth and are cutting 2 more
* are fascinated by balloons
* enjoy "reading" books and to be read to, you like eating books too
* you have fallen in love with your taggie blankie and won't go anywhere without it
* love playing in the ball pit and at the play kitchen
* think washing your hands is fantastic---you really just love playing in the water. If a faucet is running, you think you need to play in it.
* are such a busy body and love making us laugh
* have my heart!
(I couldn't decide what photo to share...so I decided to share them all.)