This year, Audrey is beginning a new class (at the same school she attended last year) where she will be loved on by new teachers and make new friends- and renew relationships with old friends.
Here is Audrey just before we left for school this morning. Doesn't she look so growny??

I was a bit concerned about this day because the first 2 months of preschool last year were TOUGH! Audrey cried every day.
Today, she did GREAT! No tears at all--at least from her, I shed my share of tears, but only after I left the girls (you know, I had to be strong for them).
Audrey entered her classroom and immediately found a few of her friends from last year. She began to play away with no worries that I was about to leave.

This is Audrey with her two teachers. There is certainly happiness on her face :)
Audrey was all smiles when I picked her up. She had a fabulous day. Already, she is reminding me what she has to do to get ready for the next day at school.
Also, today marked the beginning of preschool for Addison. She is attending the same school as Audrey. And I was just certain that she would have a meltdown this morning. She is having some serious separation anxiety issues, so I was worried.
Can you tell that she is such a little ham???

This photo is evidence that she really didn't care that I left her. Addison didn't even fuss. However, I'm not sure that she knew that I was leaving...she just knew that she was having fun.
I'm hoping that when I leave her Thursday, she will do just as well as she did today.
Addison's teacher said that she did fine and didn't fuss until it was almost time to go home. That seemed it was just because she was tired.