In the blink of an eye, this sweet girl has gone from a wiggly, precious newborn to a happy, energetic, entertaining toddler. Addison is so comical and quite strong willed most of the time, too. She is my sunshine. I love hearing her call for me or yell "MAMA!" when I walk into a room. That makes my heart smile.

There are so many things I want to remember about you, my Addison, but I will never be able to list them all. But here are a few things I never want to forget: You-
- weigh 21 lbs. 7 oz.
- are 31 1/4 inches tall
- wear size 4 diapers
- wear size 4 shoes
- wear size 12-18 month clothes
- have started saying all kinds of words. You love to tell Boots the dog to "sit-sit", You say "scat cat" when someone sneezes, shoes, clothes, Boots, Sadie, Mama, Dada, Sis, Ga (grammy), Nanny, Pawpaw, cat, dog, eat-eat, juice, cookie, and many more! I can't belive how much your language has developed in just a couple of weeks.
- love playing in the sandbox and with the play kitchen
- learned to climb the ladder on our swingset and go down the slide (assited)
- get excited when you see "Elmo"
- try to put on everyone's shoes
- want to give everyone a hug
- love to "read" books
- will start to dance anytime you hear music
- love to walk around with your microphone and "sing"
- love to eat fruit- especially bananas
- try to color like your big sister. You even ask to "colllllor"
- inform us when you want to "pway"
- are going throug terrible seperation anxiety. You are NOT happy about being left at preschool
- find it facinating to take your pants and diaper off
- are SO stubborn and strong-willed
- are a little clown
Little Bit,
Thank you for the past 18 months! They have flown by and I'm not even sure that I can close my eyes and remember you as a "baby". But you are taking off full speed ahead into this toddler territory and are smiling and laughing your way through each day. I love you, dear one. I love that you remind me to laugh and play and pause long enough to hold and snuggle you. Because I know so well that those moments are fleeting. I love you, Little Bit! You are my sunshine!

1 comment:
She is a living doll. :)
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