Rise and shine after a night of rest and we were off to find some breakfast and pack. Then we headed out for the aquarium. Now I had taken to heart all the advice I got from friends and purchased tickets ahead of time. Plus I was aware that there would be a huge crowd so we opted to leave the stroller behind (I knew AK wouldn’t stay in it much anyway).

Although I was aware that there would be large crowds, I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to experience. We couldn’t even get up to a lot of the exhibits to see them because of the crowds. There were many school groups on field trips…who I’m guessing came without a teacher or chaperons…because they were going crazy!!! And here was my little toddler just wanting to see some “big fish”. We did see a few things that we knew she would enjoy. Audrey liked looking at the exhibits, but was quite fussy and I can’t say I blame her. After about 45 minutes I was ill too. Let’s just say I was disappointed, and the next aquarium trip will be somewhere else. That was just ridiculous.

Audrey kept trying to "hold" the fish.
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