Audrey opened most of Addison's gifts for her, but Addison enjoyed investigating all the toys.
(And a big thank you to my brother for taking over my camera for a while...I actually have proof that I was there that day :))

Audrey sporting her new tutu.

Showing off her hairstyling set. She said now she "can be like Mrs. Brandi". (That is a friend of mine since Kindergarten, who cuts our hair when we come back to town- see this post).

Audrey is modeling her new Dora boots.

And playing with her singing dog that Nana and Pawpaw gave her. (Addison was TERRIFIED of this thing.)

--But she got a little brave, as long as it was being still and not singing.

Nana watched as the girls played with their loot.

Pawpaw relaxed and snoozed a little on the couch. We were so thankful that he felt well enough to leave the nursing home for a little while to celebrate with us.

Grammy was looking through her new calendar we gave her. I made calendars with pictures of the girls for each family.

I'm so glad Keith captured this moment. Pawpaw and I were reminiscing about when he used to have Nana's biscuits and a Sprite ready for Keith and me each morning when we were headed to school. I enjoyed these few minutes of memories and smiles with Pawpaw. (I will explain about the biscuit warmer later...that is a post all by itself...)
A girl after my own heart! She loves taking pictures! :)

With my sweet big girl! Nana gave us some cookie cutters to use when we enjoy time in the kitchen baking cookies together. :)

Mommy and her girls!

Sweet sisters.

I love to see this smile and hear her laughter.

We even got a little "cheese" out of her...

While others were opening their gifts, Addison decided she wanted to assist Uncle Keith with opening on of his presents. She had a time slowly ripping the paper. Uncle Keith got a kick out of it because he was going to find out what his present was before his time to open gifts.

Someone is very excited about all of her gifts.

Audrey sings some Christmas carols for Pawpaw.

We had a fabulous day being together! At least until close to midnight...when Addison and I both woke up with a stomach virus :( Fortunately, we were at Grammy's house! She played nurse to both of us all night. I'm so glad we were there so I would have some help. And hopefully, no one will get those germs!

I love to see this smile and hear her laughter.

We even got a little "cheese" out of her...

While others were opening their gifts, Addison decided she wanted to assist Uncle Keith with opening on of his presents. She had a time slowly ripping the paper. Uncle Keith got a kick out of it because he was going to find out what his present was before his time to open gifts.

Someone is very excited about all of her gifts.

Audrey sings some Christmas carols for Pawpaw.

We had a fabulous day being together! At least until close to midnight...when Addison and I both woke up with a stomach virus :( Fortunately, we were at Grammy's house! She played nurse to both of us all night. I'm so glad we were there so I would have some help. And hopefully, no one will get those germs!
Thankfully the virus ran its course in a few hours and by the next evening we were feeling a little better.