Couponing is something that I have done for a long time. By no means am I one of those extreme
couponers, but I love saving money...especially since I am a stay at home mom. My sweet Nana even helps me out by cutting coupons EVERY Sunday out of the paper and sending them to me. She has been doing this for me for years.
I'm training up Audrey to be frugal as well. Well, she at least knows that we cut coupons so we can save money and most of the time you don't buy something unless you have a coupon. I figured that is a good lesson to teach her :)
Most of the time while I am cutting coupons, Audrey will sit with me and cut her "coupons". I give her the extra copies of sale papers and she cuts out the pictures. This week she took to cutting the Toys R Us sale paper. After she finished cutting she informed me...

...that she had coupons for all of these so we could go buy them now! Um...maybe I didn't explain that coupon thing well enough :) I had to tell her that we also had to have enough money to cover the difference. I loved it though! So precious!

And in case you can't tell what these are... 1- wagon, 2- gym set, 3- inflatable water slide, 4- swing set, 5- bike
At least she dreams big!