While we were there, my mom, Audrey, Addison and I visited the zoo.
The weather was perfect and the company was wonderful. Lots of smiles and giggles.
This moment was one that had me laughing. Audrey and Addison were both standing right up next to the glass. When the cheetah decided to walk really close to the glass, Addison was NOT a happy camper and backed up very quickly while yelling "CAT, CAT".

What would a trip to the zoo be without a train ride? Riding with Grammy made it even better.
Both girls enjoyed the "cats"- as Addison referred to all the feline family as just "cats".
Each time we go to the zoo, Audrey likes to stand here so we can measure her. Geez, not too long ago she stood in that same spot and barely got to the 3 ft mark. Now she is several inches taller than that.
During our visit to the zoo, the workers were setting up for the upcoming ZooBoo. They had all kinds of decorations and characters.
My girls spotted this "Dora" (not the exact Dora they are used to...but close enough) and they just had to have their photo with her. Such funny girls!
Then we couldn't leave the zoo without some time on the super awesome playground. Grammy snapped a few photos of me playing on the slide with the girls :)
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