When my normally busy-body, wild-child, almost-two-year-old spends a couple of days looking like this or curled up in my lap, you know it's not good.
Poor Addison hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days. She woke up the other morning a bit fussy and her eyes looked weak. My mommy instinct told me something wasn't right, but she played on and acted fine...until about 4 hours later. Then she became more clingy. When she crawled into my lap she felt really warm. Once we took her temperature, it showed 101.7. So she got some ibuprofen and lots of snuggles and kisses.
With all the stuff going around right now, I figured it was a viral thing and would pass. But the next day she was still feeling awful and lethargic along with not wanting to eat or drink. So as soon as we got up this morning and I realized that the fever and lethargy was still there we made a dash to the pediatrician.
After a 3 hour wait (apparently everyone in our town was sick and at the same doctor ), the test came back positive for strep. The doctor was surprised because she said usually ones as young as Addison didn't get strep. Well, leave it to us to defy the odds :/. So, with meds in hand we trekked back home for more snuggles, kisses, and TV time.
Fortunately after a couple of doses of medicine she is beginning to perk up. I hope we are on the road to recovery and that no one else in our house catches those cooties!