Here are some things I want to remember about you.
* You now weigh 12 lbs. 1 oz.
* You are 22.5 inches long
* You REALLY didn't like your 2 months shots. You cried for a LONG time afterwards (so did mommy) then you sounded like a little puppy whining--so pitiful.
* Most of the time you are so calm and content. You hardly ever cry.
* You have started going to sleep much easier at night.
* You are sleeping through the night now (you stared that at about 6 weeks old). You go to bed around 9;30 or 10:00 pm and sleep until 6 a.m. YAY!!
* You have started smiling at us when we talk to you. Such a precious sight.
* You are still in size 1 diapers...but probably not for much longer.
* You have the most adorable little fat rolls on your thighs.
* You are wearing size 0-3 month clothes- but can fit in some 3-6 month clothes too.
* You enjoy watching your big sister run around and play.
* You want so badly to sit up so you can watch everything around you.
* You like sitting in your bouncy seat watching the animals and waterfall or swinging in your swing staring at the mobile.
* You still hate tummy time, but have learned to hold your head up really well.

Addison, you are such a sweet baby. We are enjoying every day with you.

sweet baby girl. love those pictures!
beautiful photos!!
loooove the pictures!!! She's beautiful :)
This babygirl is growing up entirely too fast!
I know, Nan! I wish time would slow down a little bit :)
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