Monday, June 1, 2009

Goodbye, Paci

Dear Paci,

What a bittersweet day it is! You have been a wonderful companion for many, many months. Without you, the colic would’ve left me completely bald and teething would have made us all cry. Oh, and to think of those many sleepless nights when I searched blindly and half asleep for you in the crib and all around on the floor. Yes, you have been a good one…even though I had to search far and wide to locate the company from which to order you. But in all circumstances, you have been a trouper.

However, on this glorious day…we must say goodbye, forever. Audrey is a big girl now!

Yes, you guessed it. Today is officially the beginning of a paci-free life for Audrey.

1 comment:

Nancy Hood said...

Don't throw it away just yet. Just in case you need it in a hurry :) Jenny went paci free not long after turning two, then a few weeks later the only thing that put her to sleep was a paci. She only used it for nighttime and naptime, but I needed that paci! More than she did ;) So we used it another six months and she finally went to sleep without it on her own.