Monday, December 3, 2012

North Pole Breakfast

The weekend after Thanksgiving, Henry, our Elf on the Shelf, came back to our house from his long stay at the North Pole. He brought with him a delicious North Pole breakfast.
This was the first year I/Henry had done this but the girls absolutely LOVED it.  When they woke up that morning, Henry was sitting on the table and had all the decorations and food out.
There was fruit candy canes made of sliced bananas and strawberries.  That was quite tricky to get them all lined up that way...but I think it turned out pretty cute.  This was Addison's favorite.

We also had marshmallow snowmen to dip in our hot chocolate.

And yummy "snow covered" doughnuts.  These were Audrey's favorite
Henry wrote letters to Audrey and Addison.

He also brought them Christmas socks to keep their feet warm.


From the look on Addison's face, it is obvious that she is thrilled about the North Pole Breakfast. 

It was a big hit with Audrey, too!

I am looking forward to Henry treating us to this special breakfast every year!

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