Friday, August 13, 2010

Who's Who?

For kicks and giggles I decided to dress Addison up in the same outfit and take photos of her in the same place as I did Audrey at the same age. I thought it would be interesting to see how much alike/different they looked.
I constantly have people that are telling me they "look exactly alike" or "they look totally different". I have my personal opinion about it...but see for yourself and make your own judgement.

Here is a side by side layout of the 2 photos. Can you tell who is who?? And do you think they look just alike, similar, or very different? (If you know Audrey really well, you will be able to pick this out quickly) :)
* Scroll down to see if you are correct!

Were you correct??? (Secret: Audrey has the "angel kiss"/"stork bite" on her forehead just like her mommy. Addison doesn't have one)
Isn't it funny how they are posed almost the exact same way. I didn't do that, it was totally on their own. I didn't even realize it until I was uploading the photos and going back through the ones of Audrey. I thought that was pretty neat!
You can tell a big difference between the sisters in this photo. It was always so difficult (still is) to get Audrey to smile for photos. All I have to do is say something to Addison and she just grins. It still amazes me how similar, yet different they are.


Nancy Hood said...

I could easily tell, and without seeing the angel kiss :) I think they favor but they are distinctly different to me. I've thought so from Addi's birth <3 (I hope this becomes a heart)

Kasey said...


Unknown said...

I think they're similar, but could definitely tell them apart. They're both precious!