I know I say this every time, but...where has the time gone?? It seems like I put Addison to bed one night and the next morning she woke up no longer a baby, but completely developed into a busy, very strong willed toddler.
* weigh 20 pounds
* wear size 3 diapers
* wear size 12 month and 18 month clothes
* wear a size 3 toddler shoe
* love your blankie and paci (and call them both a "ba")
* start dancing anytime you hear music or if someone starts singing or clapping
* love to hide in the hallway and giggle
* take off running when someone calls you
* enjoy looking at books and often want Mommy to read to you while you sit in my lap
* like blowing bubbles (regular bubbles as well as with the spit in your mouth)
* climb on anything you can. You are so proud of yourself when you climb onto the chair or couch.
* are mesmerized by the shows- Blues Clues, Backyardigans and Bubble Guppies. You even try to sing the Bubble Guppies theme song
* love to play outside
* enjoy splashing in your little pool, but aren't so fond of sprinklers- you don't like it splashing you in the face
* love seeing cows and call them a "moo". You even try to talk to them when we ride in the pastures.
* are still terrified of dogs
* know how to wrinkle your eye brows and give one "mean" look when you are told no and even when you just want to make someone laugh.
*make us laugh daily
We love you, Little bit!
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